Correction Policy

The version of an article published online is considered the final and complete version. While corrections can be made, our policy, consistent with that of other publishers, is to limit such corrections to specific circumstances.

We allow corrections for typographical errors concerning:

- Author names

- Author affiliations

- Article titles

- Abstracts and keywords

For any corrections made in these categories, an erratum or corrigendum will also be published to maintain a record of the difference between the online and print versions.


Serious Errors

We will consider publishing a correction for serious errors that significantly affect scientific accuracy or the reputation of the authors or the journal. Corrections for minor issues that do not materially impact the contribution or reader understanding, such as simple spelling or grammatical mistakes, will not be published.



An erratum is issued when a significant error affects:

- The publication record

- The scientific integrity of the paper

- The reputation of the authors or the journal

This includes errors of omission, such as failure to incorporate factual corrections requested by authors and addressed within the journal’s deadlines. Please note that we do not publish errata for typographical errors unless the error significantly impacts understanding (e.g., an incorrect unit).

If an error is discovered in a figure or table, a new corrected figure or table will be published as an erratum, but only if deemed necessary by the editor.



A corrigendum serves as a notification for important errors made by the authors of the article. It is required that all authors sign off on corrigenda submitted for publication.

In situations where co-authors disagree on the correction, the editors will consult independent peer reviewers to determine the appropriate amendment and will note dissenting authors in the published text.



An addendum provides a peer-reviewed addition of information to the paper, often in response to clarifications requested by readers. Addenda must not contradict the original publication. If significant information was inadvertently omitted by the authors but was available at the time of original submission, this information can be published as an addendum following peer review.

Addenda are published infrequently and only when the editors determine that their inclusion is crucial for the reader's understanding of a significant aspect of the original contribution.

This enhanced structure clearly delineates each component of the correction policy, making it easier for authors and readers to understand the guidelines that govern publication corrections within the IJHS.

Here's a refined and structured version of the Data Citation Statement for the International Journal of Health Studies (Undergoing change to Shahroud Journal of Medical Sciences) (IJHS (Undergoing change to SJMS)).