Comparison of the Efficiency of Cognitive Rehabilitation, Intervention based on the Barclay Model, and Neurofeedback on Improving Executive Functions, Performance, and Attitude towards Reading in Children with Dyslexia




Cognitive rehabilitation, Intervention based on Barclay model, Neurofeedback, Executive actions, Reading performance, Attitude towards reading, Dyslexia


Background: Dyslexia affects the brain's capacity to receive, store, and respond to information, and it is necessary to apply timely and appropriate treatment measures to prevent or improve students' problems. This study aimed to investigate and compare the effectiveness of techniques for brain rehabilitation, intervention based on Barclay's model, and neurofeedback on improving executive Functions, reading performance, and attitude towards reading in children with dyslexia.

Methods: This study falls under semi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest design and a control group. The statistical population included all 8-12-year-old students with dyslexia in Shahood city during 2023, alongside their parents and teachers. Out of these, 60 students were chosen through purposive sampling and randomly assigned to four groups (one control group and three experimental groups). Data collection tools comprised the Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF), the Official Reading and Dyslexia Test (NAMA), and the Attitude Test by McKenna and Kerr (1990). The data were subjected to a multivariate analysis of covariance using SPSS26 software.

Results: According to the obtained results, two methods of intervention based on the Barclay model and cognitive rehabilitation were effective in improving the reading performance of children with dyslexia, but the intervention based on the Barclay model was more effective than other methods for improving their reading performance; Because the timely strengthening of children's reading skills by parents who spend a long time with their children will be highly effective in improving the learnability of this group. Therefore, from a practical point of view, it can be considered essential and basic skills needed by dyslexic students in the early stages and lower levels of education to have better preventive results.

Conclusions: According to the results, proper planning should be done to identify children with problems and take appropriate action to prevent problems in them.


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How to Cite

Comparison of the Efficiency of Cognitive Rehabilitation, Intervention based on the Barclay Model, and Neurofeedback on Improving Executive Functions, Performance, and Attitude towards Reading in Children with Dyslexia. (2024). International Journal of Health Studies (Undergoing Change to Shahroud Journal of Medical Sciences), 10(2), 14-28.