Investigating the Effective Factors on the Needle Stick Injuries and Personnel’s Approach in Bahar Medical Education Center in Shahroud During 2009-2018

Needle stick injuries and personnel’s approach




Background: The aim of the study was to determine the causes and rate of needle stick injuries among Bahar Hospital in Shahroud during 2009-2018.

Methods: This is a descriptive case series study conducted in Bahar educational and research center in Shahroud. The study population included all health care workers and service staff during 2009-2018. Census sampling was performed using health care records of the medical and paramedical group (individual at risk of occupational exposure) from the beginning of January 2009 to the end of December 2018. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics (absolute and relative frequency), and t-test and analysis of variances for quantitative values.

Results: A total of 246 cases of needle sticks were reported in ten years. Most cases belonged to bachelor's staff (69.1%), nursing job group (69.5%), emergency department and labor (28.9%), equipment of injections (75.6%), injections (45.5%), carelessness (37%), recapping  (24.8%), and at night shift (51.6%) were observed. Bleeding from the injured site was the most common post-exposure action (44.3%).

Conclusions: Considering the high prevalence of needle stick among health care workers, instruction of prevention methods, holding educational classes, emphasizing on vaccination, controlling HBV antibody titer, and designing a precise reporting mechanism for personnel is necessary.

Keywords: Needle Stick, Health Care Workers, Incidence, Iran.







How to Cite

Investigating the Effective Factors on the Needle Stick Injuries and Personnel’s Approach in Bahar Medical Education Center in Shahroud During 2009-2018: Needle stick injuries and personnel’s approach. (2020). Shahroud Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(3).