Appeals and complaints

If wish to request a reconsideration of manuscript's rejection, you may submit an appeal the Editor or Editorial. Please follow the outlined below:

Procedure for Appeals

  1. Initial Contact: Please refer to the instructions provided on journal's website for the appropriate way to contact the Editor regarding your appeal.
  2. Prioritization and Timelines: Appeals are addressed after the regular editorial workload. Consequently, please be aware that decisions regarding appeals may take several weeks.
  3. Limitations: Each manuscript is allowed only one appeal. 
  4. Grounds for Consideration: An appeal will generally only be considered under the following conditions:

- Significant Error: The authors can demonstrate that a substantial error impacted the final decision during the review process, either by a referee or by the Editors.

-New Information: If there are any significant new findings or evidence that were not accessible at the time of the original submission, they may be submitted.

- Demonstration of Bias: A convincing argument that bias affected the review process must be presented.

  1. Formal Submission: To appeal an editorial decision:

   - Submit a formal letter of appeal to the editorial office.

   - Include the manuscript tracking number in the subject line of your email, along with your appeal letter.

Outcome of Appeals

- Successful Appeals: If your appeal is successful, you will receive further instructions on the next steps to take.

- Further Consideration: If an appeal warrants additional review, the Editor may send the authors' response and the revised manuscript back out for another round of peer review.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors can effectively communicate with the Editorial Board regarding any concerns about their manuscript's rejection.

This version clearly outlines the appeals process, making it accessible and easy to navigate for authors seeking reconsideration of their manuscript.