Data Citation Statement

To promote reproducibility in research, the International Journal of Health Studies (Undergoing change to Shahroud Journal of Medical Sciences) (IJHS (Undergoing change to SJMS)) expects authors to identify and cite any data sets and code used in their experiments and studies.

Requirements for Data Citation

1. Types of Data Sets

Researchers are required to acknowledge data from extensive or intricate data sets, which may encompass but are not restricted to:

   - Microarray data

   - Genomic data

   - Structural data

   - Proteomic data

   - Video imaging analyses

2. Citations

   - Authors are required to cite both the data set repository and the published article where the data set and/or code was originally described.

   - All citations of data must include persistent unique identifiers, such as active Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) or accession numbers.

3. Code and Software

   - If computer code or software was created to generate results or interpret data, this should be explicitly stated in the Data Availability section of the manuscript.

   - When the software is publicly available, the authors should provide the URL of the software's informational page.

4. Repository Preferences:

   - Authors are encouraged to utilize established, publicly available data type-specific repositories for data citation.

   - In the absence of a suitable repository for specific data types, general publicly available repositories, such as Dryad, Figshare, or similar platforms, should be used.

By following these guidelines, authors will contribute to the transparency and reproducibility of scientific research, enabling others to validate findings and build upon the work presented.

This structured approach clarifies the expectations regarding data citation, enhancing both the readability of the statement and its accessibility for authors.

Here's a refined and structured version of the Appeals and Complaints policy the International Journal of Health Studies (Undergoing change to Shahroud Journal of Medical Sciences)