Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Premarital Program Training for Building a Lasting Connection (BLC) based on EFT Approach on the Level of Marital Satisfaction of Married Couples


  • Maryam Soleimani Ph.D. Candidate. Department of Psychology and counseling, Faculty of Humanities, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran. orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0809-4112
  • Samaneh Najarpourian Department of Counseling, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran. orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4524-1513
  • Abdolvahab Samavi Department of Educational Sciences, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran.




Building a lasting connection, Marital satisfaction, Married couples.


Background: Marriage preparation programs have shown significant positive effects, especially in teaching marriage skills and conflict resolution. One of the effects of these programs is to increase marital satisfaction. Marital satisfaction has a great impact on the family and the physical and mental health of its members and is one of the most important and effective factors in maintaining a successful, healthy and happy life.

Method: The research method used for this research was quasi-experimental using a control group and a pretest-posttest design. The statistical population of this study included all couples who were in their marriage and at least 6 months and a maximum of 3 years have passed since their marriage. The number of statistical samples for this study included 22 couples (44 people) who were during their marriage. These samples were randomly placed in two experimental groups and one control group.

Result: As the results of this study showed, the difference between the pre-test-post-test scores of the experimental and control groups for the marital satisfaction variable and the mean scores of the experimental group in the marital satisfaction variable with a value of F = 47.71 at the level of p <0. 05 was more than the control group. Therefore, the results show the effect of premarital education (BLC) on increasing marital satisfaction in the experimental group.

Discuss: The BLC premarital education package can play an effective role in increasing couples 'satisfaction due to its comprehensive and multidimensional view of couples' relationship and providing a platform for building a secure bond.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Premarital Program Training for Building a Lasting Connection (BLC) based on EFT Approach on the Level of Marital Satisfaction of Married Couples. (2021). Shahroud Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(3), 13-17. https://doi.org/10.22100/ijhs.v8i3.903