Analysis of the Effect of Inhaling Orange Essential Oil on Self-Confidence and Competitive Anxiety of Female Athletics Comparing with Relaxation




Cognitive anxiety, Physical anxiety, Aromatherapy, Relaxation, Self-confidence


Background: This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of inhaling orange essential oil on self-confidence and anxiety, and comparing with relaxation method in female futsal players.

Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental one with pre and post-tests. The statistical population of the study consisted of all female futsal teams in regional competitions, the youth category of the East-Azerbaijan province. Using available sampling, 3 teams that can reach that level were selected. Then, were randomly divided into 3 groups of relaxation, Orange Essential Oil, and control. The intervention programs were held in 8 weeks (two sessions per week, and each session was 15 minutes). To assess, the Competitive State Anxiety questionnaire (CSAI-2) was used, and covariance method in SPSS software25 was used for analyzing the data.

Results: Results showed that there are significant differences between experimental and control groups concerning cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety. According to the findings, this amount was more significant in the aromatherapy group. Also, results revealed a significant increase in confidence in aromatherapy and relaxation groups, so that no superiority was seen among the groups. This was while no significant difference was reported in any scale of the control group.

Conclusions: Based on the results, the use of aromatherapy as a simpler and more effective method is recommended to coaches and officials of sports teams.

Key words: Cognitive anxiety, Physical anxiety, Aromatherapy, Relaxation, Self-confidence


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How to Cite

Analysis of the Effect of Inhaling Orange Essential Oil on Self-Confidence and Competitive Anxiety of Female Athletics Comparing with Relaxation. (2021). Shahroud Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(3), 24-29.