The Effect of Perceived Social Support and Spiritual Capital in Psychological Resilience of Martial Athletes




Perceived social support, Spiritual capital, Resilience, Martial sports


Background: This study aimed to analyze the effect of perceived social support and spiritual capital on the psychological resilience of martial athletes.

Methods: The statistical society of the current research male athletes of martial sports clubs in Kermanshah city among whom the sample was chosen based on random cluster sample. Considering the percentage error to be 0.5, test power to be 0.80, effect size to be 0.15, 160 samples were taken as the sample size for the present study. To heighten the validity of the research and the possibility of the removal of some of the samples, the sample size was considered as 180 people. The data was gathered based on the perceived social support questionnaire by Zimet et al (1988), spiritual capital questionnaire by Golparvar et al (2014), and short-form of resilience by Conner-Davidson and was analyzed through Pierson’s Correlation test and stepwise regression analysis.

Results: The results of the correlation test indicated that both variables of perceived social support and spiritual capital have a positive and significant relation to psychological resilience, respectively (r=0.16, Pvalue=0.03), (r=0.17, Pvalue=0.02). However, the result of stepwise regression showed that perceived social support has the main effect in helping us predict the resilience of martial athletes (Pvalue≤0.05).

Conclusions: Therefore, according to the results, one can claim that upon the increase in perceived social support, the psychological resilience of the martial athletes also increases.

Keywords: Perceived social support, Spiritual capital, Resilience, Martial sports


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How to Cite

The Effect of Perceived Social Support and Spiritual Capital in Psychological Resilience of Martial Athletes. (2022). Shahroud Journal of Medical Sciences, 9(1), 1-6.