Construction and Validation of Four-Dimensional General Health Questionnaire based on Health-Oriented Approaches




Four-dimensional general health questionnaire, Health-oriented approach, Validation


Background: Health assessment has evolved recently with the evolution of perspectives and is now focused on a four-dimensional model. This study aimed at construction and validation of the Four-Dimensional General Health Questionnaire based on health-oriented approaches.

Methods: This research was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, to make a questionnaire, based on theoretical foundations, interviews with experts and review of existing questionnaires, the initial form of the questionnaire was made with 106 items and in a sample of 160 people (80 men and 80 women) Was conducted. The results were analyzed by principal component analysis with varimax rotation and confirmatory factor analysis and the final form of 60 questions was developed. In the second stage, this form was implemented in a sample of 1651 people (791 males and 860 females) and its validity was calculated by validity coefficients of the criterion (convergent and divergent validity). through correlation with Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale (RSPWB) and Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), respectively, and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha internal consistency and split-half methods.

Results: The results led to the extraction of 4 factors which were named as physical health, mental health, social health and spiritual health and confirmatory factor analysis also confirmed these factors. Also the results showed the high validity and reliability of this questionnaire.

Conclusions: This questionnaire can be used to assess health in physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. It can also be a basis for further research in the direction of developing questionnaires based on health-oriented approaches.

Keywords: Four-Dimensional General Health Questionnaire, Health-oriented approach, Validation.


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How to Cite

Construction and Validation of Four-Dimensional General Health Questionnaire based on Health-Oriented Approaches. (2022). Shahroud Journal of Medical Sciences, 9(1), 22-30.